Birdwatching in Esteros del Ibera
Lake Cruise:
One of our highly trained local rangers will sail us across the pristine waters of the Iberá Lake to reach the winding channels formed by the “embalsados” or “floating islands”. These are floating mats of vegetation capable of supporting tall marsh plants, shrubs and even certain trees; where capybaras and marsh deers – most likely once ridden by a cattle tyrant – graze peacefully at all times and where the ever-present “yacare caimans” hide awaiting their next catch, close to the bulky odd-looking crested screamer who obligingly carry out their breeding cycle in full view of the human eye.
This is the perfect habitat too for the myriad of birds that are to be found in this unique environment, where more than 400 species make of the Iberá Marshland their home.
The lagoon is teeming with winged fishermen: the three species of kingfishers, cormorants and anhingas; egrets, herons and fishing hawks (black collard and great black hawk); snail kites, limpkins, seasonal terns (large-billed and yellow-billed and maybe even some black skimmers) and more. All displaying their various catching techniques right before our eyes. Brazilian ducks, jacanas, giant wood-rails and common gallinules are ever-present, but it is also possible to spot purple, azure and spot-flanked gallinules as well. We will also be defied by the shrilling sounds of different kinds of crakes calling from inside the vegetation thickets.
The profuse reed banks and the colourful water plants are the home of other remarkable birds: the scarlet-head blackbird, the white headed marsh tyrant,the yellow-browed tyrant , the yellow billed cardinal ,the black-capped danacobiuos and the many coloured rush tyrant ,amongst many others like an interesting variety of thornbirds, the yellow throated spinetail and the sooty tyrannulet. Each outing offering a new possibility of something exciting to see at all time of day!